Jordan is considered in the "Sunbelt region" where the best conditions for the use of solar energy to produce electricity exist, in terms of brightness of the sun and the daylight hours and moderate temperatures.

Due to the current high pollution in the environment and due to the serious effects of such pollution to human life, it was necessary to begin looking for alternative sources of energy that be far away from sources of harmful effects, such as diesel, gasoline and other petroleum derivatives, this has led to the understanding of the use of natural resources for energy production, a "solar cells" for the production of electrical energy.

Where the sector began walking the active stage and especially after the adoption of the renewable energy law and energy conservation No. 13 for the year 2012 and the issuance of the "manual guide" by the Electricity Regulatory Commission. It was possible for anyone to use of electricity generation system through renewable energy sources and link it to the power grid so that it produces part-or the whole volume of needed portion, the surplus production of electricity would be exported to the network, and where the extra volume of electricity which will be credited to him is calculated through electrical meter able to calculate the "net metering".